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Scott McSwain

Fractal Axe-FX
Marshall 9200 Dual MonoBloc
JJ 5881 Power Tubes
Line 6 Wireless
EB Tech TRS Hum-Eliminator
Ibanez Destroyer
Washburn PS500
Ernie-Ball Regular Slinky
Dunlop Max-Grip 1.0mm
Scott McSwain, an American guitarist, started playing music at age 11. First joining the school band to play saxophone. Later finding himself using his Father's axe, learning guitar from his instructional book while his dad was at work. Scott was nearly finished with the book before his dad realized what he was doing. As Scott tells it, "He came home early one day, and I did not hear him walk into the room. He listened until I stopped playing. Not knowing he was there, it startled me when he finally spoke: '“Well, you play that better than I do.”' He has supported my music ever since then." That Christmas, Scott got his first electric guitar.
Scott's early musical tastes were Elton John, Glen Campbell, John Denver, The Carpenters, and the like. It wasn’t long before a bassist friend of his (York), showed him exactly what being “electric” was all about. "He started playing Barracuda by Heart. It was so loud that everything on his dresser began skipping across the top. That was the moment that my tastes changed. The all surrounding sound and power were intoxicating. I made Rock ‘n Roll mine! " Scott said.
Over the years, Scott has been involved in various bands and played along side many musicians. "I had a blast cutting my teeth with Critical Mass, Bohica, Cerebus, JDA, Mostra, Eagle Rock Band, Dunn Deal and Jars of Flies just to name a few." said Scott. When McSwain finds the time, he enjoys Open Mic nights at local clubs, and extra time to write with the band.
Scott's current musical influences include Billy Gibbons, Jerry Cantrell, Rush, and Ted Nugent.
After playing in NC Alice in Chains tribute Jars of Flies with Trey Richardson, Scott was later invited to the DethCadence project for his structured rhythm playing, dedication as a band member and willingness to learn new material. Since he joined, Scott has been a vital asset to the band we know as DethCadence.
Scott is an avid B.C. Rich collector and owna quite a few. Don't let this steer you from noticing his love for Ibanez and Washburn guitars. "Basically, if the guitar has an odd shape, I like it. Even if it’s just for wall art. Guitars are beautiful. My main axe styles in DethCadence are an Ibanez Destroyer and a Washburn PS500. I use an Axe-FX into a Marshall 9200 Dual MonoBloc power amp and controlled by a Ground Control board. But no matter what I play through, MetalWard will make me sound great!" Scott said.
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